I've been month papa outstation lagi ke Sabah from 5hb - 23hb Mei. He probably balik rumah on Saturday Sunday je. So i'll be a single mother from morning-night. The thing that concerned me alot now is that
- Can Delisya sleep through the night without waking up and search for papa to hug her??
- And will i be able to drive to work with them in car?
- Checkup for Dafiya is on 16th so who's gonna teman me to the clinic and its gonna be tiring to wait for my turn while holding Dafiya on my lap and monitor Delisya running here and there...Oh my..can i??
- On 19th i must attending my best friend's wedding kat PD. So mungkin papa boleh join or not,im not sure.
Anyway mesti korang taktau kan selama ni aku tak pernah ada baby car seat dlm kereta aku. Yes coz all this while we dont need that. But since the situation like this happened, i think i might need to find 1. Dafiya nak meronta2 dlm tu ke,lantak pi..if not how can i drive?
In July pulak papa ke Sarawak so i can follow him again sebab dah habis PRU13 so xde masalah sangat la kot nak cuti 2 minggu. Last time seminggu je kat sana, tak puas. This time aku nak rest puas2..
In August birthday Delisya yg ke 3..I was wondering of celebrating her birthday kat rumah anak yatim or Pusat Tahfiz adik aku..Aku belum war-war kan kat papa lagi. Bukan ape, drpd beli kek and jajan mkn2 ngan kawan2 or ahli keluarga, ape salahnya buat amal sikit kenduri doa selamat. Lagipun die dah ada adik, for sure its gonna be awesome..InsyaAllah i'll plan for that.
Oklah gonna start my work now. Asyik omong2 je dlm blog..xde input pun..
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