Recently, i've been viewing this video like 10 times a day because of this song. I find it cool, i luv it and i even set this song a ringtone on my mobile! Im not a biggest fan of Maroon 5 anyway tho I always listen to them on the radio. Adam Levine is cute. Not to mention of his excellent voice and amazing body. Especially in this clip video, i find him attractive! Tengoklah how he layan his baby while the mom preparing the dish and kiss her wife before he went out for training, its just so romantic! (Yeah, i've mentioned it in my earlier post about man with a kid).
You see, the main reason why i have this kind of 'denial feelings' (ceh,mcm bercinte pulak!) towards Adam Levine is obviously because he is a JEWISH! Yes, Levine has Jewish ancestry on both sides of his family (his father and
maternal grandfather were Jewish), and considers himself Jewish, though
according to The Jewish Chronicle, who interviewed Levine, he "has rejected formal religious practice for a more generalized, spiritual way of life". But who cares? Even by looking at his face also we knew die nie Yahudi! PPfftt..
Anyway if we love the songs doesnt mean we have to love the singer as well right? So yeah..i hate JEWISH but i dont hate this song hihiiii boley cmtu? ;-P