Well today is my last day working since i have started my maternity leave from tomorrow onwards. The due date for my second baby is on 15th October 2012 but yelahh he/she will not be coming out exactly on the given date kan..maybe awal, maybe lewat..Plus i think its time for me to have a good rest as well since i felt my belly getting heavier and lowered nowadays..Walking from main hall to the kitchen pun rase jauh and tiring (*pemalas*)
Anyway, pengasuh Delisya pun seems like a lil bit sad to get separated with her for almost 2 months. I said no worries, by the time im coming back, i'll send two kids sekali..haaa kan package tu adek bradek! ^_^ so they laugh..Hopefully they can took care of my baby like their own child la..of course ade terlintas dlm fikiran pasal kes baby tersedak susu but i pray so hard to God that evrythng will be fine and dijauhkan dari berfikiran negatif all the time..
Honestly felt lil bit sad sebab Delisya dulu x dihantar mane2 coz at that time, im a fulltime housewife, so die dpt fully breastfeed x kire mase..but yg kedua ni, im a working mom and i didnt plan to quit from my job yet so terpaksa la hantar ke taska..sorry honey but mommy and daddy had to work since the cost of living is getting higher & higher nowadays and we just wanna give u and sister a good life..
I also plan to breast feed my baby sampai die setahun at least. Delisya dpt BF sampai 2 tahun. Its good that she no more want my milk sbb dah serik kena asam jawa. Bukan ape, she had enough so save la skit susu yg ada ni for adik..plus she/he will need it more than u do,newborn babies senang kene jaundice so mmg mama dah prepare ape patut hopefully adik Delisya sihat walafiat fizikal & mental..
I think im gonna get some gift la for Mami & Cikgu Delisya lunch time karang. Maybe a choclate with flowers or cute bear will do sbg token of appreciation sbb jaga Delisya dgn baik and ajar mcm2 kat die selama 7 bulan lepas..lagipun apelah sgt kalau nak dibandingkan dgn kegembiraan Delisya everytime sampai nursery tiap2 pagi..semangat nak masuk sampai x sempat2 nak kiss goodbye! ~_~