Thursday, April 4, 2013

Yuran Taska Naik Lagi?


This morning after i drop my kids at nursery, dapat letter from Persatuan Taska N.Sembilan...So it says kadar minima yuran taska di Negeri Sembilan dah diselaraskan menjadi:

Bulanan: RM350.00 seorang bayi & kanak-kanak
Pendaftaran : RM100.00 seorang sekali seumur hidup
Tahunan : RM150.00 seorang setiap tahun
Berkuatkuasa : Mei 2013

Kenaikan yuran ni katenye berdasarkan kpd penetapan kadar gaji minima oleh pihak Kerajaan yg berkuatkuasa Jan 2013 dan juga kos operasi taska yang meningkat. I dont really understand ape yang diorang maksudkan dgn operation cost. Rasenye PTNS ade buat meeting dgn ibubapa on 16th March hari tu untuk membincangkan pasal yuran dsb tapi kebetulan tarikh Akikah Dafiya falls on the same date so i cant attend the meeting. 

Currently, im paying RM230.00 untuk Delisya and RM270.00 untuk Dafiya. Kadar overtime sebulan pulak around RM30-45.00 for both sebab diorang caj RM4 per hour/head. Awal2 hantar Delisya dulu RM200 je, then naik 30 hengget. Tolak tambah darab bahagi total RM550.00 for both fine la..walaupun agak mahal tapi macam standard la harga tu..But this time naik mendadak...its like totally unacceptable for me as a parents!

Today genap setahun 2 bulan Delisya duk kat Taska Nur Rayqal tu. Masa awal2 hantar dulu she cried everytime hantar pepagi. Sebak jugaklah nak gi kerja dengar tangisan die tapi cekal jugak hati ni. After 4 weeks or so, she seems fine and bile tanye "Saper nak pegi umah cikgu?" Laju je die jawab "Shaye!!" It means die dah seronok la kat situ, ada kawan2 yang boleh main sama-sama, makan sama-sama,tidur, mandi, tgk tv same2.. She also improved a lot dari segi pembelajaran. Yelah, being a working mom, nothing much im teaching her at home but sending her there, im impressed on how she can count ABC perfectly,baca doa makan, sing any song, petah bercakap and sometimes she can even think like an adults. I believe they had given enough education for the kids like her age. C'mon she's just 2 yrs 8 mth but she's such a brilliant girl! Im not saying this coz she's my daughter but obviously because not many kids like her age can act or think like her..Alhamdulillah.

Look who's there...
So far i never heard anything bad from them. Kadang2 ade jugak tanya Delisya kot2 kena marah or hit or something tapi kids dont lie. She told me Cikgu Fiza baik, Cikgu Effa baik, Mami Rayqal baik..x marah icha..tak rotan icha..Mungkin ada la rotan but i believe itu cuma bertujuan utk menakutkan diorang je..So aku puas hati la..Sebab tu bayar RM500 tu boleh pejam mata je. Apelah sangat compare dgn love and education she got kan..

Here comes the sad part. I can only find the solution here which is to find a babysitter. It means tak berdaftar with JKM lah. So mungkin die takkan ajar Dellisya and Dafiya more like what they can learn in Taska..All she will do is just bagi makan, main, tidur and such..Kids activities xdela perkembangan sosial die x develop la sangat..Oh im so sad! I wish i can took care of them at office..but my office is not comfy like my home..Kesiannya my daughters..

Ya Allah..berilah aku petunjuk..apa yang terbaik untuk anak-anakku...sesungguhnya aku amat menyayangi mereka dan hanya mahukan yang terbaik buat mereka...


  1. salam sis..nk tya taska nur raqyal ni ok nk tya pdpt sy nk antr anak sy..tgh usha2 taska..

  2. sory i just noticed ur comment..ok la,boleh kata recommended la coz owner dia mmg brtggjwb dlm bab pengurusan. baru2 ni rate taska die dh turun and die invite saya balik but i have to reject sbb tak lame lagi nak bersalin dah..maybe saya jaga sendiri..

  3. Is this the best taska area sendayan tu?

  4. x sure la if the best one in sendayan hehee but i have no complain so far..=)
