I kept wondering what is the thing that caused severe pain at my stomach lately. Rase senak yang amat2 sangat specially waktu2 malam or subuh. When my husband ask how i feel, its hard to describe contohnye kalau senggugut or contraction or cirit ke something i could have tell him but this is very unusual and i've never experienced things like this before. Last time i had this pain was in early July 2012,the pain started from 11pm and goes on until 4am..i did walked around the house to ease the pain and it stopped just like that. The second time was in Kuching, i assume the aircond was too cold coz i usually had this kind of situation during night and dawn but then i end up woke up freshly in the morning like nothing happened last night coz the pain gone just like that!
But this time is worse. On Thursday morning started 6am i feel the pain dh mula brdenyut2. Tried to sleep back and hoped it goes away but i cant even close my eyes coz it was just about to start. I could do nothing than just lay down,pusing kiri x selesa,pusing kanan x selesa,try meniarap pun x selesa coz rase baby 'terpenyek'..called my husband,die suruh calm down n fought with it slowly..
9am - Texted my boss told him im sick,might be late..he ask me to rest first and come in when i get better. Delisya dah bangun and mcm biase la,cari toys and sit watched me baring. i guess she didn't understand why i still didn't get up from bed and take her to shower like everyday. I wanted to cry seeing her running to kitchen carrying a cookie jar for breakfast. I opened up and she took more than 3 biscuits. i let her messed the bed with the sugar and pieces of biscuits and she knows where to find her drinking bottle..pity my girl..after finished the cookies,she run around the house dengan pampers yg dh penuh. I felt totally sad coz i couldnt even get up and fight with the pain every second hopefully i get the strength even just for awhile utk mandikan Delisya and make her a bottle of milk..Husband and mak dekat Kedah,Ayah kat Jerantut,Adik kat Pilah,kwn2 semua tgh kerja..nasib baik Eza was in Sendayan unfortunately her house was like 2km frm my house, x sanggup susahkan die jln kaki jauh2 tengah2 matahari nak naik pulak tu altho she offered to come,last2 i gave up and ask her to come,at least got someone to look after Delisya.
12pm - Adam is on the way from Kuala Pilah. Eza sampai je she climbed the gate and masuk rumah seakan seorang pencuri la. I had no choice but to let her in coz the key was at the main hall. She find me lying on bed mcm 'pompuan gile' yg tgh brtarung kesakitan. She quickly grabbed Delisya and mandikan die,pakaikan baju and bagi makan minum semua. Then only she came to me and dukung masuk toilet..habisla muntah2 aku tepi katil tadi dipijak Qusay n Delisya..man..that was totally sucks!!In the bathroom, she had no choice but to get me naked la,ape lagi and buka shower,shampoo and sabun 1 badan. Aku dh memang mcm org lumpuh terus! Waktu ni baru Adam sampai and she dressed me up,ikat rambut,pakai stokin semua la coz im freezing like hell..TUHAN jelah balas semua yg dia buat tu..without her, i dont know what will it be..
Sampai hospital,check2 terus admitted..while waiting for bed,bgtau my mum,die rase guilty coz cant be there when im sick..dah cakap hari tu,husband outstation this 6 weeks,duk la rumah sini teman but she refuse coz my house got no internet access..So now when things like this happened,memang patut la she feel guilty..imagine if Eza takde..gosh!horrible..
6pm - The nurse tak bagi makan minum coz suruh ready for operation. Tuhan je tau how thirsty i was x makan minum since 6am. Drip dah 4 bottle dh. Kiri kanan tangan dh bersilang siur dgn jarum..Haisshh memang penat sgt waktu tu sampai kul 8 mlm baru boleh lelap jap..
Sekarang baru la aku tau ape punca sakit that im having tu sbnrnye..Maybe all ladies out there dh aware with this but for those yg x tau,i'll share with u at this link..(http://drzubaidi.com/blog/?p=804)