Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ramadhan is coming...

Hey ya' sekejap je dh June 2012..cepat btl mase berlalu rasenye. Lg 2 bulan Delisya akn sambut 2nd Bithday..then another two months,dia akan dapat adik..laki or perempuan, x tau lagi..saje surprise! 

Well i just came back from Grand Lexis Hotel in PD sbb join invitation for food testing Ramadhan buffet..haappy dpt jumpe few staff there and they all still recognize me wlpn dh bertudung..even the GM yg tak pernah bercakap dgn aku mase keje kat sane dlu boleh tegur not sure die punye hi tu sbb familiar with my face or hi sbb im the guest =P whatever it is,i dont care..

The food was awesome! More than 40 menu kot served.Menu yg berbeza utk Lexis and Grand Lexis..cume aku x phm harga die beza RM10 jek..kat Grand Lexis more on international menu cam Arabian,Chinese,Malay food and others which cost RM70 per pax..Compare ngn Lexis,aku lg suka menu2 die sbb selera orang Melayu kite..lauk2 cam Paru goreng rempah,udang masak lemak,ayam percik just to name a few..overall the food was great,xde yg kureng..byk aku makan td but still x brape kenyang sbb makan utk dua org kan..ape pn syukur Alhamdulillah..

Thanks to Nisa for bring me along. Bangga jugak jd wakil media from Pejabat MB ni bile dh resign dr Lexis sndiri..=)) aku x penah mnyesal pun tinggalkan hotel tu coz it was sucks,x happy dgn environment sane..keje masing2 nak pijak org lain je..lainla Pan Pacific KLIA dulu,ade gak rase mnyesal tu coz wlpn sum people busuk hati tp the hotel n environment was good,keje professional and paling aku miss is the foooodddd...mmg takkan dpt 5 star food for staff kat mne2 hotel lain punyela i tell u!

Ok esok petang papa balik dr Sabah..around 8 mungkin kene pickup papa kat KLIA..sian delisya rindu papa die dr hari Isnin..hari2 tanye mane papa,mane papa..sib baik x meragam bagai..pagi tadi menangis sbb pisang jatuh..dukung die keluar kereta,pisang jatuh dr tangan die.nak amik blk dh tak boleh sbb kene tar..sedih die..huhuu my darling,rindula kat die..smlm dhla x psl2 kene penampar kat peha dgn aku. Geram sgt n x trkawal lg bile die gigit puting..sakitnye TUhan je tau..sorry ye syg,mama x sengaja tp mmg sakit sgt..

Delisya skrg dh pandai hafal lagu Buai sebutan cmni:
Hampai kokok anam..
Ape lalam baju...
Hekuntom hunga cine.."

so funny..then mengira 1-10
atu..uwe..iger..ampat..imer..anam..ujuh.....embilan..epoloh!!" LAPAN hilang!

and guess what?she just 1 year and 9 months tp dh pandai cakap..wlpn x phm sgt tp dh clear sebutan on certain word like "nak cucu, mama,papa.chek gu,mami,kakak,adik,abang,adam,aish,baby,mia,atok,bukak,tutup.nak tu,amiin,"and few more x ingat..tu yg paling clear la..

Alhamdulillah Allah telah mengurniakan anak yg comeel dan pintar utk aku..semoga die cepat jugak belajar mengaji dan jd ank solehah..thanks to her teacher jugak sbb byk ajar die kat nursery..aku cume sempat ajar die mewarna,basic abc je sbb bz keje hari2..