Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Just A Thoughts

Huh..lame jugak tak update blog ni..asyik menghadap FB je keje..kadang2 terase nak tulis blog tp bila depan FB,terus tak jadi ape keje pun..its been last week of April now..cepat je mase berlalu tau2 dh nak masuk middle of 2012 dah...Alhamdulillah,Delisya pun dah genap setahun 8 bulan semalam..yang dlm perut ni tak sure la bape minggu dh skrg..esok baru nak pegi checkup..hope everything goes well..
And its been 5 months dah im working with this company as a newscaster. They said i've improved a lot as compared to mula2 dulu..and aku pun dah mula bertudung since Isnin lepas..akhirnya hati aku ikhlas nak pakai,bukan sebab dorongan sesape or perkembangan fesyen semasa..hopefully lps ni lg byk hidayah aku dpt n lebih dekat dgn Allah..syukur kehidupan skrg dh lbh baik,x senang sgt tp selesa..
Semalam aku beranikan diri jugak sms boss aku pasal niat nak amik cuti seminggu July ni..Ingat nk discuss depan2 tp mggu ni die byk sgt function,x sempat jumpa kat office. Punyalah aku karang text baeek punya ayat. Told him hubby outstation ke Sarawak 3 weeks and teringin nak teman die utk minggu yg terakhir tu kat sana. Lagipun x penah sampai ke sana lg,boleh jalan2 jap..
Act takut jgk nk mintak cuti waktu tu sbb election tahun ni tak sure in June or July,mesti busy gile..silap2 hari2 kene standby..i said to him if dpt unpaid leave pun xpe,or if keadaan wktu tu x mengizinkan,x dpt cuti pun xpe..aku pun xde la brharap sgt,saje try luck..guess what,die terus kate boleh..die akan tanye Ilmiah (substitute) if die blh standby news for those 5 days of working. Lgpun die kata tiket murah if book awal2 ni.he ask me to proceed sbb psl keadaan keje tu xleh nk ckp lg bz ke tak sbb jadual MB selalunya dpt setiap Isnin..die tetap kate go on je..IF katekan on that particular day,aku x dpt dilepaskan pegi, he'll pay me back for those ticket paid..terkejut aku coz why should he.rite??anyway got kata persetujuan from him and tiket dah booked malam td from 7-13hb July ni to Kuching..Alhamdulillah..
Aku rase lega dh ckp kat die..he's so sporting.Honestly dlm byk2 tempat aku penah keje since habis SPM,kat company ni la aku rase betul2 selesa and tenang. Tempat lain tu ade baik buruk jgk,xdela semua teruk je cuma this place buat aku selesa nak stay lame..Aku boleh masuk n blk keje anytime wlpn wktu keje 9-6..if aku akan lambat,just need to text him terbangun lambat ke,bwk ank gi klinik ke,going for breakfast ke or anythng la,coz he wont mind as long as i tell him if i'll be late..same jgk if i had to come to work on Saturday,even if aku dh balik PD and that thing urgent nak kene record hari tu jgk,i'll consider to come and sblm blk,for sure die hulur 50 / 100 utk minyak keter..walaupun aku dpt elaun makeup and baju which is termasuk dlm gaji bulanan aku,die tetap hulur 100 / 200 kdg2 soh aku beli yg baru wlpn tgh bulan..gaji tetap dpt cukup..thats y aku tak penah say no if die mintak buat ape2 keje termasuk susun paper or vacuum carpet..=P but hey..tu bukan bermaksud aku ni senang dirasuah ye..cuma die boss aku ni kuli, so ikut jela selagi x mnyusahkan aku..rite? yeah..bukan senang nak dpt boss cmni..

Die sebaya husband aku je,tahun ni 31..dorg kat sini termasuk aku cuma 5 org so tak penah aku rse cm working utk org ats or ade rse org bwh coz we work as a team,msg2 tlg keje masing2 sbb nk siapkan cepat..xde istilah "thats not under my JD"..and the most important thing,xde hasad dengki or pijak memijak kat sini yea..everyone is equal here..Alhamdulillah sekali lg..im so happy working here..

Alright,im going to continue some of my task..or else aku hnya mnghabiskan masa hadap internet je nnti..