Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fever seasons and Kuhfi project.

I am so tired these few days. Delisya just got better from fever since last Friday. Taktau lah ape punca tibe2 je badan panas masa tidur malam. Siang tu okay je die. The next day lelah dia pun datang balik but not too serious so i just bring her to clinic and bawak dia ke office instead of sending her to nursery.

Tapi takde perubahan pun hari ke hari. Dia pun asyik melepet je kelembikan. Makan ape pun takmau. Susah hati la jugak kite ni tengok badan dia susut and lost 2 kilos in just 3 days. Macam2 dah buat. Setiap malam lumur badan dia dengan lendir bunga raya + asam jawa, jerlum dengan kain basah, masuk ubat bontot, minum syrup demam, letak cool fever, pakaikan stokin tapi still same. Alhamdulillah pagi tadi demam dia dah kurang and dia pun nak makan kismis and air..kismis and madu always work good for anyone. Maklumlah makanan sunnah Nabi. Delisya pun nampak ceria sikit so we decided to send her to nursery. Dia pun tak meragam so yeap..Mak dia pulak macam nak demam sebab keletihan + tak cukup tidur lately. 

Anyway, Taska Tahfiz tu dah berpindah ke lokasi baru which is Taman Bukit Sendayan sebab the one that they stayed right now owner tak pasang grill and the rent is bit expensive. So they got a better corner lot house yang dah siap dicat with kindergarten environment. Petang ni balik kerja nak spend time sikit tengok luar dalam tadika tu and have a little talk dengan Ustazah. Yes i am very particular specially bab hygiene. Its because my daughters jarang sangat demam so bila dia sakit, dia betul2 lembik berhari2. Im pretty sure die demam ni pun ada kaitan dengan Taska, probably affected by kids yang ada flu or whatever! To be update..


Last week i did try once to make my own Kuhfi project using items from DIY stores. I can say i love crafty things. The one yang orang jual kat internet to mostly canvas painting, printed on canvas and such. They could sell it for 300 and above. So i was thinking of doing the same thing cuma bukan berasaskan canvas. I dont know what could it be. Im still thinking. But i dont have any problem of doing it in whatever size or colour. For the moment, im still drafting and collecting ideas from few source. Soon when i get everything i need like kayu for bingkai and few items from hardware then i will start my first move. Im trying my best to use as low cost as i can. Price im thinking of selling pun tak tinggi, just below RM100 that's for sure. InsyaAllah.


  1. taska tu kat mana asal nye sblm berpindah ke bukit sendayan?

  2. dekat taman nusari aman 1..rumah setingkat menghadap ladang anggur..before they came here they were from Damansara..
